
Aging Gracefully: How to Slow Down the Aging Process

couple practicing yoga

Aging is a natural part of life.  We can’t stop the clock, and we definitely can’t reverse it, but we can certainly influence how we age. The key to aging gracefully lies in taking care of our bodies, both inside and out. Here are a few tips to guide you on a journey towards optimal health with the goal of aging gracefully and maintaining a vibrant, fulfilling life.

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Better Food for a Healthy Brain

Better food for brain health

We know good food and proper nutrition can make a difference in our health. But how about our brain? Does the type of food we eat have an impact on our brain, our mood, and our emotions? Does eating better food for a healthy brain work? Will changing our diet improve our memory or ability to think? Science says “yes”! The interaction between our environment, our diet, and our brain is a hot topic of research. More and more studies reveal there is a strong connection between what we eat and our brain health.

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