Digestive Health

Acid Reflux: How to Ease the Burn

Stomach ace illustration vector

Unfortunately, our fast-paced lifestyles and grab-and-go eating style has made acid reflux all too common. Since May is Digestive Diseases Awareness Month, I wanted to focus on this very common but painful condition. Let’s explore the causes of acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and how to ease the burn. It’s not just about taking a pill. There are some diet and lifestyle factors that may get you symptom free as well or better than taking medication.

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Better Food for a Healthy Brain

Better food for brain health

We know good food and proper nutrition can make a difference in our health. But how about our brain? Does the type of food we eat have an impact on our brain, our mood, and our emotions? Does eating better food for a healthy brain work? Will changing our diet improve our memory or ability to think? Science says “yes”! The interaction between our environment, our diet, and our brain is a hot topic of research. More and more studies reveal there is a strong connection between what we eat and our brain health.

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Gastroparesis: What It is and How to Treat It

Gastroparesis: What it is and How to Treat it.

Gastroparesis is a relatively lesser-known digestive disorder that can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. The condition involves a malfunction in the stomach’s ability to empty its contents properly. Derived from the Greek words “gastro” (stomach) and “paresis” (partial paralysis), gastroparesis leads to delayed stomach emptying, causing a range of uncomfortable symptoms.

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